Hey everyone! Its been a SUPPPER long time since I have been on here, and I have missed everyone dearly. I guess I kinda needed a break from all of the posting I did, and by doing so, kinda trying move on from VMK (sadly, I had to do it) since it WAS closing and will never come back.

Anyway, life has been good! Again, busy with everything, but good! I would have posted sooner, but my computer broke, so yeah. That's an event in my life since my time off from the boards. What has been going on with all of you? Is the whole gang still kinda on here? Or did most of you leave? What has your life been like without VMK? Mine? Well, I am not sure. Kinda the same. Kinda not. I miss SO much just hanging out with friends, and being at Disney with my jammies on, and being excited every Friday wondering what the new pin was, and what trades I will do that day, and what my new score will be in pirates. But now, I am spending more time off the computer, which I guess, is a good thing too! So its a bitter sweet thing.

So anyway, while I am here, I might as well talk about VMK. Since October is coming up, this was the time when, I got so excited! New costumes were coming out, the decorations, the music, the room making. VMK made Halloween great for me. I am not quite too sure how I am going to deal with none of the things above this year. I mean, because of VMK, it made me excited about Halloween. I hope I can still be excited!

This was just my way of saying 'Hi again'! Again, I hope your all doing well, and that you have a Disney trip planned soon! Oh! And before I go....


It might mean nothing anything now, but go to the link, and it will bring you into a VMK like land, where you can hear and see VMK once again. So, if your like me, and just NEED to hear those Halloween (or holiday!) sounds again to get you in the spirit, that's the link you should go to. Its actually REALLY cool. When the welcome sound popped up, I almost started to cry! Seriously, just go, lol. Now because of it, I wish VMK was back more than ever! Haha, but seriously, this guy who created it, did an AMAZING job, and you should really check it out

Anywho, it was nice to see you all again! Hope to talk to you soon!