Ike is currently projected to hit southern Texas early Saturday morning. Obviously since this is still 4 days away it's not certain yet.

But as of right now, based on what Chris has said and the current projected track and all the data, WDW looks to be definitely out of the woods, and forecasts have nothing more than a bit of above average amounts of rain for the next couple days.

They've stopped tracking the remnants of Josephine on the NHC website, so I'm guessing that it's a good bet that one is gone for good.

If I've learned anything at all studying tropical weather websites laboriously over the past few weeks , the next two weeks or so look to be mostly normal/typical Florida late summer weather, meaning there shouldn't be any tropical storm activity threatening Florida. Hopefully that also means nothing more than the occasional t-storm (which would be good news for me since I'm leaving in 4 days!).

Thoughts and prayers definitely going out right now to those who Ike has already done some damage to (looks like parts of Cuba got hit pretty hard), and also to those who remain in Ike's potential path. Stay safe!