Some of you may know I've been working at IKEA for a few months because I was having lots of trouble finding a job in education after I graduated in 2007. Well, someone finally took a chance on me! I am teaching at a Catholic gradeschool in the city. I have a 7th grade class, and will be teaching 7th and 8th grade Social Studies, and well as 7th grade Integrated Language Arts, and Latin once a week.

Everyone has been so kind and welcoming, and I understand now what everyone meant when they told me I needed to hang in there and that I would find my place eventually. I am so excited to finally be able to start my career that I wasn't even nervous today, the first day of school! However, finally a little bit of panic has started to creep in. The fact of the matter is, I was only hired a week and a half ago. I had to give IKEA 2 weeks notice in case I want to have a summer job or go back part time at any point. So between finishing that job, running around buying things for the classroom and setting it up (Because they didn't even know they were going to have a second 7th grade teacher until last minute, there was nothing for me... I had to move all the desks, clean, scrounge for decorations) so I've had no time at all to lesson plan and haven't been getting much sleep.

I have such a positive attitude about it, I'm just worried about falling behind the pace. You hear so many horror stories about first year teachers. Luckily, everyone in the school has been sooo supportive, and even the kids seem great. So, I guess I'm just asking for a little pixie dust to help me remain positive and be able to catch up and maybe even get ahead, and to be the best teacher I can be. Also, any advice from middle school teachers is always welcomed.

P.S. Since some people ask from time to time, I just thought I'd let you know my grandfather has been doing well lately. So things for the most part in my life are good, God willing. (I would knock on wood, but we just went over the 10 commandments with the kids today and superstitions technically fall under "false gods" )