While at WDW last week, Phil developed pain in his right foot just below the big toe along the outside of the foot. The area is also reddened and swollen. I'm not sure if the toe is deviated towards the others - I don't think so though. He hasn't been to see a doctor yet but I think he has a bunion. He had this same pain and swelling several years ago while also on vacation but it went away after a short time with nothing more than Ibuprofen for treatment. Anyone else out there have bunions? Do they actually "go away" like that (or at least the symptoms go away for a time)? Everything I read on the internet says it's progressive and once you develop one, the symptoms won't go away without surgery which makes me unsure if this is what he has. I'm going to buy a toe separator or bunion regulator for him to see if that helps. I've also told him to take the Ibuprofen and ice it but he's a stubborn guy and won't listen to me.