Ok, I hope I'm posting this is the right place because I could really use some advice and after all the help you've given me with Disney I couldn't think of a better place to turn. Here's the situation. I have been dating a guy (just dating...no engagement, living together, or anything) for 7 years off and on. We were broke up for six months starting last August and in February I made the mistake of agreeing to see him as friends. That didn't work and we were quickly back to dating. I thought he'd changed, but I'm finding that as time goes by he's going back to the way he used to be. He lies constantly, even about unimportant things. He will say things to deliberately hurt my feelings and make me feel inferior. He says that I will never find anyone else to date so I'd better stay with him. We go out to eat maybe once a month and that's the extent of dating outside my house. The other days I see him (every day) when he stops by to grab something to eat and then sits and watchs t.v. until I'm ready to watch t.v. At that point he goes home. He never offers to buy groceries or help but is eating two meals a day here. My sister and I are very close which makes him jealous and he will put her down (call her lazy, etc.) and try to come between us (or start arguements). To put the icing on the cake, my grandad died last month. I was very close to him and my bf is not at all sympathetic. At the same time I am having health problems (the doctor's thinking fibormyalgia) and am on a lot of medicine that makes me sleepy. When I take the medicine he says all I do is sleep and am lazy; when I don't take the medicine he says all I do is complain even when I just mention that I'm having a bad day. Of course if he gets a tiny cut I am expected to act like he lost an arm or I don't care about him! I'm getting ready to start law school so I'm making some life changes and am thinking that getting rid of him may be one of them I should make. I know it seems like I just listed his bad points, but I honestly don't know many good ones except he will usually give me money when I run short since I've been sick and he can be really sweet when he wants to be. He also always remembers my birthday! Sorry this was so long but any advice? What would you all do?