Okay, so my WDW plans were a bust this year, so we decided that staying home all summer while waiting and saving for next year would be prudent. The only problem was that this plan really didn't sit well with me at all. Therefore, we decided another New England trip would be the way to go!

I'll be honest. With the exception of WDW, I could happily make a lifetime out of summer trips around New England, and if forced to narrow it further, NH or ME would suit me just fine.

We decided on Old Orchard Beach, ME, which narrowly beat out our other options, the White Mountains, NH and Mystic, CT. If I had the time and money, I'd visit all three!

Unfortunately, due to a late start and a variety of other issues, we weren't able to get into a prime spot near the beach, but we booked a delightful looking hotel in nearby Biddeford. This is good because we actually only plan on spending one or two of our six days (weather permitting) on the beach anyway. What the hotel lacks in character, it makes up for in convenience and amenities, not to mention I got a $40 a night government discount!

Aside from the beach, famous pier, and nearby amusement parks, we are considering a whale watch , a Portland Sea Dogs baseball game, the Portland Children's museum, and Maine Wildlife Park as options. I'm also hoping to stop by York on the way home to visit the Nubble Lighthouse for sentimental reason. (We went there last summer.)

I can't wait to start making more concrete plans. Only 8 weeks to go!

Anyway, sorry for this rambling post, but I got kinda excited after thinking that we'd be home all summer.

Tell me what you think!