Ok, so we aren't doing the park hopping this trip. I really prefer it that way anyway, but we do want to do MVMCP. Anyway, I pretty much have my schedule mapped out, but do you need a park ticket PLUS the MVMCP ticket? Or do I just need a MVMCP ticket which also works as a park entrance ticket?

If we add on the park hopper option to our package it will cost us an extra $100, but we will only park hop on one day and then we will still have to shell out the money for the MVMCP tickets. The day we plan on doing MVMCP we want to go to MGM in the morning, then go to MK for the party. If we have to have both tickets, then we won't be splitting the day, I will just plan to do MK the whole day and have to skip something somewhere else. Thanks for any info!