Well it starts off when I got to the park and I get 2 voice mails from Chescat telling me plans had change a little bet. So when I found a quite place to bell Cat I didn't get no answer back. So after taking a little restroom break I i get a Cinderella ring on my phone. It was cat she told me to meet her at Princess Fantasy Faire. So on my way to there I was about to go in the castle when on my right I saw this dude...


So I when to him and got my photo with him and I told him so Were is that evil Peter Pan. Hook turn to me and said he didn't know. So after I was done with him I when to meet up with Cat. I got there and I didn't see her there so I wait playing with my new Disneyland theme packits I got which had in it. Christmas Tinkerbelle (which is a double ) Jafar Donald Duck (which is the only one I really wanted.) & Malefcent Daisy Duck. So I look up and I saw cat. So we got in line talking for a little bit. Cat bell JP and I got to talk to him for some told him what I just got. As we got a little closer I saw walking in Princess Aurora. So I gave the phone back to cat and as we were about next to go in Snow White show up. I was getting a little sad cause of seening her. Cat ask the cast member if Aurora was still there send we saw Snow come in. The cast member said yes at the far end. I ask the cast member who did Snow White took places with he said it was Cinderella. So when it was my turn Jasmine was the first one I saw. She ask me to full my arms like Aladdin so I did here is 3 photos with Jasmine.




So after I got down with Jasmine I wanted to skip Snow White cause I wasn't really filling like seening this Snow White. (I have nothing against her but to loose my friend that was Snow White that I knew for almost 3 years I still couldn't see another Snow White.) But she maybe, told me she be with me. So I got my photo with Snow White.


After going to Snow White I saw my love Aurora when I first got up to her she saw my new Princess Aurora shirt. She ask me where I got it at. I told her I had it may for me. I told her I have about 5 shirts with her on it. Then she gave me a big hug. Aurora could tell I was very happy to see her. I got about 3 didffent photos with her.



After I got these 2 photos I ask Aurora if I can get a hug with her in a photo. She said I would love it. So this is our hug.


As I said my goodbyes to her. I gave her a air kiss and she gave me one back. After I got my big photo of her I had notes that I have seen this Aurora before. And I was thinking of were and it is of Belle from Ariel's Grotto.

Here is that same Aurora as Belle.


So after that Cat and me meet up with Tink and had lunch and got my pins from Cat. Here are all the pins she gave me and my Jumbo pin of Ariel that I got myself.

Princess Fantasy Faire pins part 1

PFF part 2



Jumbo Ariel pin

So that's about it. The end of my Trip report.