Not that I would watch MTV videos anymore, but when I was in my 20's and MTV began I would have it on all day long. What happened to the premise of a TV channel that played music videos all day???????

MTV now plays "America's Next Top Model" for days on end, hour after hour. Of course, I do suppose it's better than the trash TV they were showing after first loosing their focus.

My point is, since MTV has lost all semblance of any relation to music and videos, why don't they just pull the plug and let the channel die???????? Do we really need an "ANTM" network? Do the program directors at MTV actually get paid to do this job? I can see the meeting now;
Suit #1 - What should we show this week?
Suit #2 - How about another ANTM marathon?
All Suits around table - "Great idea. Let's do that".