Quote Originally Posted by Magic Smiles View Post
I agree, the stoller use is out of control. Also I would imagine with so many of the bigger kids using strollers, they are probably being damaged to a greater extent. A co-worker rents a stroller for her son (older than 7 and not small) just because he is lazy. Her words!
Again, a bit off topic, but maybe not really.
I was reading these topics and wondering to myself, Hmmmm,

is this part of the reason we have so many overweight children?

Do we pamper them too much?

I don' t recall my mother ever having a stroller/pram for any of us children, we either walked everywhere or one of the older siblings carried the smallest.
But, then we also played outside all day, running, jumping, climbing, swinging, you get the picture, it was exercise to keep us busy and tire us out for a good nights sleep.
Does anyone remember their mom pushing them is a stroller at 4,5,6,7 because we were "too tired"?
I completely understand ligit medical reasons but... are we keeping them babies too long?