Well, you have already heard 2 other versions of the Pre Trip reports... now it is time to hear the REAL story.

Cast of Characters:
Angel – Here we go again…. – Laid back, fun loving looking forward to a relaxing trip (AKA – the nice one)
Beth – MsMin – extremely ADD, over planner looking forward to cramming in the most that she possibly can into this trip (AKA the mean one)
Sherrie – Mrs. SgtTigger – Does not know how to take anything other than a nice relaxing trip to the World. (the laid back one)

Meeting there:
Jeanne - Piglet822 – Well, what can I say, you all know her… but you may not have seen her do the trio dance (but you will)
Terri - Teay – The one that really should have been my sister and the only person I know more obsessed with Disney than me… but she is lucky enough to work there. I will retire to Orlando and work with her … one day.

So here is the plan:

I am ready to get there so I will be driving to Baton Rouge to meet MsMin and get her loaded into the car. Then, we head to New Orleans to meet Sherrie. After beating and kicking SgtTigger to get him out of the car we are off to Disney World!!
I plan to relax and read a book or sleep while MsMin races us to Florida. I have a feeling there will be no potty or food breaks… Hmmmm… I wonder if we should pack some Depends??

This is the day that we are supposed to resort hop, shop and see all of the things that Disney has to offer outside of the parks.
Yeah right.
I know MsMin will be trying to drag us out of bed at 6am and into the parks. I know Sherrie will be kicking her away trying to sleep in. I will be up having coffee letting them 2 figure out what we are going to do. If I put extra caffeine in Beth’s coffee do you think it will help??? Maybe feed her some chocolate for breakfast… Any other suggestions on how to settle her down??? What do you feed an ADD person to calm them down?
Since it looks like we all have park hoppers, I might bring MsMin and Mrs. SgtTigger to AK to see Terri work… we promise not to point and laugh because we are playing and she is working.
And, I will try not to call Bret.

Today we will get up early so we can go to AK FINALLY let poor Sherrie see ITTBAB and ride E:E. We will do the Safari and walk the trails… all in order, no skipping around.
Then we will head to MGM (yes MGM not that other name) and have a late lunch at Sci-Fi. After that we will ride a few rides, do a little shopping…. All at a nice slow pace. We will NOT be riding ToT no matter what MsMin says.
Some time today we will be meeting up with Jeanne and hopefully Terri. I am sure we will just find a place to sit, relax and talk. We all know what a shy quiet person Jeanne is.
After Fantasmic we will head back to the room where we will post trip reports and REST.

Wow, is it Monday already?
Monday we are going to MK for Beth’s Birthday. She thinks we will be out of bed and ready to go at 8am. Sherrie and I know we will get there when we get there. (I have the car) We will get Beth a Birthday Button, sing really loud and embarrass her every chance we get. We might even call Bret to let him sing along.
Beth, who we may have to drug again this day, seems to think that we will be at MK from 8am till 2am. (yeah right) I did make an ADR at Kona for dinner and drinks… I think we will all need a few after spending the WHOLE day at MK. After dinner we are back at MK. Please Pray for me and Sherrie…..

This is our Epcot day. But since I know we are going to end up at Epcot on Saturday this Just might be the day we will rest. (Maybe we should call Bret and ask him)
Hopefully we will have others joining us because my plan is to head over to Beaches and Cream for a Kitchen Sink. If I am going to blow Weight Watchers this week I am going to blow it good!! I wonder if Beth has ever played miniature golf…. Hmmm, something else RELAXING to think about.
I do know that if we have not made it to Wilderness Lodge by now we have to go there… by now Sherrie should be freaking out because she has not been “home” yet.
(Can you believe Beth has never been to WL????)
Hmmm…. Will we get Sherrie to WL on Saturday or have to wait until today??? Should we all call Bret to ask him?

It is a sad, sad day today… Today is when the little envelope is hanging on the door.
Yup, today we go home.
My plan is to have a nice breakfast at Trail’s End, shop a LITTLE and then hit the road.
Beth’s plan is to hit the park and leave at about 5pm… that will not happen. Sherrie has to work tomorrow.

Wish me luck with this trip. I think I am going to need it!