We are thinking about moving and since we think of Disney as our second home, FL seems like the place we should go. I really want to work at one of the hotels or parks. On the outside Disney seems like a great place to work. I have heard that the pay isn't all that great but then again, where is the pay great. A server at Disney told me that only a very small percent of people who apply actually get hired. I'd hate to move there and find out that I have no chance of working there. Most people probably don't typically move to FL so they can work at Disney but my DH can find work anywhere and if I have to work, it might as well be at the Happiest Place on Earth! I'd love to hear from CM's who could give me some insight! Anything would be very helpful.
Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting hired? I'm sure it won't help my case for hire if I tell them upfront that I wouldn't be very good at cleaning bathrooms but I gotta tell you that I really wouldn't do it. Anything other than that, I'd be happy. I just want to work and talk with people, people who are coming to Disney to have a Disney experiance. There is nothing worse than being on vacation and everything is perfect until that one CM that is having a bad day says or does something that isn't very Disney like. It shatters the illusion.
Also, do you know the mininum age to work there? I'm quite I'm old enough (36) but my kids would like to work there too someday. Thanks!