edit: My post was moved since this is where all you camping experts hang out, so I just wanted to clarify some more that this won't be "Disney" camping... we'll be in southern NJ somewhere.

My fiancé and some of our friends want to go camping in May. Apparently when they were younger they used to go camping all the time... However John hasn't been camping since we started dating (almost 6 years). I've been very good at finagling us out of these things, but I think I may finally have to give in. The thing is, I am a city girl through and through. I do like the occasional foray into nature and enjoy peace and quiet occasionally but I'm afraid that once night comes, I'll be extremely
uncomfortable and then after the first day the novelty will wear off and I'll be miserable. They are looking for a place with a lot of hiking trails for variety... but I've never even gone hiking before so I don't even know if I'll enjoy it or if I'm fit enough for it. Also I have a fear of insects. If a spider gets in the tent, I'll freak out.

All that being said I guess I'm finally willing to give it a try, but I'm hoping some of you can give me tips to help me survive. I plan on bringing my portable battery jumper thing from my car so I can charge and use some of my electronics (Like an iPod or DS at night if I get bored or can't sleep, and to keep my cell charged). Also I'm making my John buy a decent tent. But what else will I need to bring or should I expect?