I spent most of yesterday trying to upload my video (6 times from 4 different computers). the most I ever got was up to 60% and then the process would stall. at one point it told me it would take 9 hours to upload. I even drove to work to use the T-3 line there, and got an upload rate of 2kbs. I even left my computer uploading when I went to bed, (ok that was try #7) they cut me off at 15% after 3 hours of uploading.

Way to let me down Disney. When high school kids can start video sites with better upload rates it is very pathetic. Especially when the two companies involved have deep enough coffers to avoid garbage like that.

Right now I am in a pretty sour mood towards them. I feel like I was duped. I put a lot of time into my video to be cut off constantly and not even accepted.