Quote Originally Posted by Epc0tphr34k View Post
The Eagles had them beat and Feeley threw to the clear out route, and a bad ball at that. if he had just just thrown the ball to LJ Smith who was coming across the field wide open i could have actually slept last night.
Aside from Feeley's bad decision on that throw, the entire play call was ridiculous.

They're only down by 3 and they're already in field goal range. They ran on first down and got 6 yards. Why in the world do you go deep on that play??? What's the upside?? Even if you score you're only up by 4 and you've just given the ball back to the most potent offense in NFL history with more than enough time to beat you.

It's so painfully obvious to anyone who knows ANYTHING about football that the play there is run on 2nd down and see what you get. If you don't convert, then you throw and preferably an in route that just over the 1st down marker. Those ins were there all night.

I know I should just feel good that it was such a close game, but I don't. I'm really frustrated that they blew a game that was, if nothing else, winnable.