We head over to LeCellier, and while I check in, Mark and Jenna walk over to the KidCot station to get her mask stamped. We have to wait a while to be seated, maybe 20 minutes, but we did check in early. Our ADR’s were for 11:30; I think we were there by 11:10. Anyway, there’s a whole bunch of us hanging out in the lobby, and all the servers come out. Someone mentions that before they start a service, they sing a song. I couldn’t really follow along; I’m guessing it was the Canadian national anthem? Whatever it was, it was nice, and Jenna enjoyed the singing. Right after that, the servers begin calling names and seating families.

I can’t remember our server’s name, or what region we were seated in. She was a very pleasant server, though, and very quick to offer drinks. II looked at the menu, this is where I made my mistake. I was going to order the filet mignon. I chose not to for two reasons: 1. The sides that were offered with it didn’t appeal to me, and 2. I had the filet on our last trip, and felt the need to branch out on the menu a little. Although, I don’t remember having mashed sweet potatoes with the filet last time. I distinctly remember “white” mashed potatoes. Have they changed the menu around?

So I decide to “branch out” and get the NY Sirloin. LOL I order it medium, which I’m told will be pink throughout. Just how I like it. Mark gets the same, and Jenna gets the kids‘ steak with French fries. For appetizers, I get the cheddar cheese soup, Mark gets the Beeftsteak Tomato Stack, and Jenna gets carrots and celery.

Our appetizers and breadsticks are out in short order, and we dig in. Mark says his appetizer is just OK--I get the feeling it’s a little bland. My soup is fantabulous, as always (I can’t believe my spell checker recognizes fantabulous!), especially with the pretzel breadstick. Jenna inhaled her carrots (won’t touch the celery).

While we wait for our food, Jenna colors on her menu. The food is delivered, and while I’m cutting up her steak, she starts wiggling around on her chair. At one point she’s sitting on her knees, and Mark and I both reprimand her to sit properly. She pulls her legs out and starts complaining that her leg hurts. I take a look, and what do you think? She’s got blood running down her leg! I can tell right away it’s not really, really bad (won’t require stitches or anything), but it’s bleeding pretty good. And of course, as soon as she sees the blood, Jenna starts crying hysterically. I’m trying to calm her down, and stop the bleeding, and Mark and I are both trying to figure out what the **** she cut her leg on. The table is as smooth as marble on the top, and underneath the table is just as smooth. Literally, you could have turned the table upside down and eaten off the bottom, it was just as nice as the top. The chair legs all felt smooth…how did this happen?

Meanwhile, the server stops by to ask how we’re all doing. LOL I grab a Band-Aid and Neosporin out of my bag and scurry Jenna off to the bathroom (you know the lighting’s not that great in the dining area). I put her on the sink and take a closer look. She’s got a gash about the size of a pea on her leg, below her knee…it looks as though she scraped the top layer of skin almost all the way off. Like I said, hardly a life-threatening injury, but HOW DID IT HAPPEN??? So I clean her up, apply the Band-Aid, wash her face, and head back to the table.

Mark was not eating while we were in the bathroom; rather, he was re-inspecting the table. And found nothing. So Jenna sits down, and only then do I notice the KidCot lanyard around her neck. That’s just about long enough that she could sit on it while sitting on her knees. And had plastic ties on it that cold pull at the skin create a pea-sized gash. Ahhh…I think the mystery’s been solved. We finally begin to eat.

Now, I know that the food was sitting at our table for about ten minutes by this time, so it’s not going to be perfect. But…while the steak was tasty, it was full of fat. I frequently order NY Sirloins when we eat out, so I know to expect some fat. These steaks had more that what I would consider an acceptable amount. (I'm not in the habit of sending food back, and I actualy consider it a blessing in disguise...since I won't eat the fat, maybe I won't get as fulll, and can still partake of some F&WF goodies!) In additon, the steaks were much closer to well done than the medium and medium rare we’d each ordered. The sides were good, though…I remember the potatoes being very tasty. And Jenna enjoyed her steak, although she was still sniffling a little.

While we’re eating the manager comes over to find out what’s happening. I feel a little embarrassed, although I don’t know why. I never placed any blame on anyone at the restaurant, or the restaurant itself. I explained to the manager (as I did to our server) that I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t something sticking out from the table, and if there was, that it was taken care of so no one else would get hurt. By now, of course, we realized what the probable culprit was, so we explained that, as well. The manager very nicely offered us first-aid supplies, which we didn’t need, and then she moved on. I’m pleased that someone came over to check on us, but I felt bad.

So we’re done eating, and we take a look at the dessert menu. The crème brulee sampler is gone, bummer, and the kids’ menu offers fruit or ice cream, double bummer. Jenna ate my dad’s Chocolate Moose last time and really enjoyed it. Mark and I order the regular crème brulee, and I explain to the server that Jenna would like the Chocolate Moose, and I would pay for it out of pocket. We joke a little about how chocolate would definitely make Jenna feel better.

And it did. She enjoyed it immensely. Mark and I enjoyed our crème brulees, too, but I really liked the sampler from last time; the maple crème brulee was really tasty! The server brings our bill, and I give her our room key to take the meals off the DDP, and to charge the dessert to our room. She comes back a few minutes later with the receipts to sign, and tells us that they’ve taken care of the dessert, there won’t be a charge for it. That was really nice of them to do that. (Although, what would be a lot nicer would be if they put the fun desserts back on the kids’ menus, but that’s a debate for another day.) I have to say that customer service was really on top of things today, and that was greatly appreciated.

Now, mind you, this was lunch, and we only drank iced tea and Coke. Our bill was $115.23 (no charge for the Moose), and we gladly used our last table service credits. I like how they break down the bill into adults and kids: Mark’s and my bill was $107.77. Jenna’s bill was $7.46. I just thought that was funny.

Even with our minor mishap, I think we were done and out of the restaurant in an hour. Overall, I wasn’t as ecstatic with LeCellier as I was last time. I enjoyed it, true, but the steak wasn’t as good as I’d expected (although that may be partly because it had been sitting for a while). I would return, but maybe not next trip. There are so many other World Showcase places we haven’t tried yet! Although, when I asked Jenna, she listed “the steak place,” 1900, and Chef Mickey as the places she’d want to do again. So, we’ll see.

Too full to enjoy any of the F&WF, though, just as I’d feared!