Everyone tries to steal signals, yes. That's not against the rules.

But as far as I know, I haven't heard ANYONE say that they know that other teams use video and audio equipment to do it, which is clearly against the rules.

I flat out refuse to believe that anyone would call someone out for cheating in a way that they, themselves, were also using. It's ridiculous.

Also, I think it's very telling that almost every NFL pundit and unnamed source that's spoken on the issue has expressed shock and disappointment that Belichek wasn't suspended.

Honestly, at first my feelings were sort of, "Eh, who cares?" but the more I learn about it and the more I think on it, it's really starting to bother me quite a bit.

Also, now there are new allegations coming out of New York that the Patriots illegally micced their defensive lineman to pick up the Jets' audibles and offensive line calls and recorded those on a second camera.

To me, this looks like Belichek had a very comprehensive and complex system in place to cheat.