For those who read my recent trip reports, you would have seen this on the final day's report. The DME bus driver on the way back to the airport was soliciting tips. He talked about his DD's word of the month - charity - and how we should all give of our money or time to charity. He listed at least 20+ charities that would accept donations and then proceeded to tell us that he he accepts tips and donates 50% of all his tip money to his favorite charity - breast cancer research. I found it very tacky and was actually appalled that he so blatently solicited tips. I thought of it too late to tell him that he wasn't receiving a tip from me because I was going to donate the entire amount of the tip to a charity, not just 50%. What I want to know is this: Is it okay for the DME drivers (or any other employee for that matter) to solicit tips like he did?