This may seem odd behavior by the corporates to most.....but is actually not that unusual.

Renovations take place at WDW Resorts all the time...each resort sees some kind of renovation probably at least once every five years....sometimes it's a restaurant or a shop...a pool...sometimes the individual lodge buildings of a resort.

This one is very different....they have never converted an existing hotel into the DVC setup before...all other DVC locations were new buildings when constructed.
Now they are taking an existing resort of 1000 rooms and shaving that inventory by probably 100-200 rooms....and constructing nearly 1000 timeshare units above and next to the old resort.

It is unreasonable to think that they wouldn't have to do some tinkering with the schedule to accomodate this task. It is...afterall...basically a trial run.

As I said before....rooms are always going down for rehab...the key difference here is that normally they take a single building out of the hole inventory to update...and most staying there don't really notice it.

There have also been many times in the past were floors of yacht, beach, wilderness, and most notably the contemporary have disappeared for a period of time.

the construction at AK is probably more intensive....being that they could be doing structural opposed to the normal stripping of decor that usually happens.

Be glad they did this....while is quite possible that those who had booked there could get a location that they never would have paid for out of the poly....

And if the construction is that invasive....Disney is doing themselves a favor by eliminating as many complaints as possible.

While this may be inconveniencing to many...and disappointing....I know first hand that they will only displace people if it is absolutely necessary and...a last resort.

As far as dining plans will be difficult to address that....the DDP has pretty much taken care of any flexibility that there used to be in scheduling meals...
You want got it.

Good luck to those who will be incovenienced by this....
my advice: GF, Poly, Contemp, BW, or Y&B are the only acceptable alternatives...

don't let them stuff you in OKW or Saratoga if you don't want to go there.