Trip Dates: June 3, 2007 thru June 10, 2007

DH – Me, 37, a WDW fanatic since I was 16. I have visited WDW 30 times in the past ten years.
DW – 33, not as much of a fanatic as I am, has attended about half of my visits.
DS- 7, takes after his old man, a true fan with 12 visits since he was 9 months old.
DD – 15 months, grooming her to join her brother and Dad. This was her first visit.
DSIL – 38, has only made 3 trips in her life. Sad. Very sad.
DSIL – 24, First trip ever! Who raised these people!?!

EMH at MK: we decided before the trip that we would bring our breakfast with us, so we would not be caught in the hustle of the foodcourt in the morning, which is the most congested time. So after getting up around 6:30 and eating breakfast, we were out the door and driving to the park at 7:40am. Little did we know this was too late to fully appreciate the EMH. We got to the TTC just before 8am. Only the monorail was running and it was making every stop to Polynesian and Grand Floridian along the way. So, by the time we actually walked through the turnstiles, it was 8:25am. Since we were coming back on Thursday and it was an EMH in the a.m., we decided to leave much earlier than this morning.

Against my better judgement, I allowed DW to talk me into going straight to the Pooh ride. Now, I knew because only Tomorrowland and Fantasyland were open, our best shot at short lines for Space Mountain and Buzz would be to hit them first. So, like many other DHs, I caved and we rode Pooh. Then we hit Peter Pan, Small World, and Philharmagic. The rest of the park had opened so we rode HM, as this was the last day it would be open before the refurbishment. I feel sorry for the non-intercotees that are headed for WDW over the next few months and have the expectation that HM will be one of the attractions they will enjoy, only to be surprised it is down. Kind of reminds me of the movie 'Vacation' when they get to Wally World and discover it is closed for two weeks.

Then it was time to cut over to ride PoC. The park has been open 20 minutes. When we got to the line, it had spilled out of the covered part of the building. The wait was 90 minutes. It never dropped below 90 minutes on this day. Needless to say, PoC would have to wait until Thursday. Next up, BTMRR…great as always. Country Bears was next. We decided to have an early lunch, knowing that CS and TS would be jammed during peak times. Others must have had the same thought because Pecos Bills was rockin’ by the time we got in line. After a good lunch was finished up, we headed to Tomorrowland. 90 minute wait for Space Mountain. No SM until Thursday. Buzz was only 20 minutes so we hopped on that. Found the bonus ‘Z’ and achieved the score of 999,999 for the first time ever.

DS found a toy he has always wanted as we did a little shopping during the hot hours of the afternoon(90s with little breeze and cloud cover). Then Dole Whip time. Would you believe this line backed up all the way to the fence then snaked towards the Treehouse! As you may have guessed, I can’t do long lines. It is not an impatient thing, its just with a 15 month old, it is hard to keep them pre-occupied, even with the baby swap. So, we passed this up and headed to the hotel.

After a little rest, we decided to have dinner at the Market Street Café in Celebration. We go to Celebration every trip and have decided that we will be moving there sometime within the next year to year and a half. If you have not eaten in this restaurant, it is great. It is like an upscale diner, but the prices are very reasonable…along the lines of a Chili’s.
We shopped a little, buying some books, and walked along the edge of the lake. After a quick trip to Chic Fil A, we headed back to the resort for a good night’s rest.

Up next…Day 4…Guys only trip to Epcot!