Wow, am I tired!! We rocked DL today . Got there at 8:45 and had early privileges, so got into the park and waited at Adventureland for the rope drop. Then, in rapid fire, we grabbed FP's for Indiana Jones, and rode Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and Indy. Then off to BTMRR, then grabbed a Latte and rode IASW. Next was Matterhorn and a round trip on the monorail. They were testing NEMO, only with CM's, but you could see the subs going around the lagoon. Grabbed some lunch at Rancho Del Zocalo that was really good!! Headed over to tomorrowland, and grabbed FP's for Space Mountain, and rode Buzz. Went back over to Adventureland for another round of Pirates and HM, then over to Tomorrowland for SM, and back to Adventureland for another round of Indiana Jones. Followed this up with some Main St shopping and then headed back to the Hotel, stopping on the way at a grocery store for breakfast items. Tomorrow we head back down to SD and have tickets for the Padres game at 7PM. We had tickets for US left in our CityPass books and gave them to a guy in line behind us at SM, because he lives locally and will have a chance to use them.What a great time we have had at DL - you really can "feel" Walt's presence, I think. Everything is so compact, yet complete, given the space he had to work with. I kept thinking - "Wow, all this because a man with the means to make it happen wanted something to do with his kids on Sundays" (See the first 50 years movie). Looking forward to our annual WDW timeshare vaca in October, but will fondly remember this trip and what an amazing time we had. Gosh, we are so lucky!