My DH and have been wanting to move for quite awhile, we really dislike the city we are living in and the apartment building we live in. On the news yesterday was a report that the mall next to us is one of the highest in the general Toronto area for criminal activity. Does it surprise me? No, I worked in that mall and saw stuff that I never want to see. Also there's a baseball field next to us where we can see "let's make a dope deal" Its so bad that they don't even hide the fact.
The police are at the building just about every day for some reason, one evening not too long ago we heard them chasing someone down the hall and watched out the balcony them hauling away 3 of our neighbors(there was 5 police cars and 2 assault vans outside for this arrest). Trying to get work done on the apartment is like pulling teeth. We have water leaks quite often, and our carpet gets soaked to the point water squishes out between our toes. They come and rip holes in the walls fix the leaks, but don't clean up the water from the carpet. The holes they put in the walls take forever for them to fix(we complain numerous times to the point we give up), it usually takes them 3 years, yes years, to fix them. They're great on fixing outside appearances, but that's it.

So we finally have enough money saved for a down payment on a townhouse. Last Sunday we went looking at a development being built in the city I work in and fell in love with a floor plan (I know, right now, it's just a floor plan!!!). We can choose our closing date at either the end of the year or Feb or March of next year better for us because we don't want to worry about moving the same time as our trip to Disney. We'll be getting a 3 bedroom home with a home office. The office is going to be my scrapbooking studio and one bedroom my quilting studio!!! We got home, went on-line to our bank and filled out a pre-approved mortgage application. They said we would be hearing from them in 3 business days. Also on the application they asked what would be a good time to contact you, so the DH let them know. They called on Wednesday...not during the times we listed. My DH called them back..voice mail. He called again on Thursday, couldn't get a hold of the person, so he waited and talked to someone else. This person, instead of trying to find out any information, wanted him to fill out another application over the phone and kept asking him if we had our house on the market yet....this was after the DH told him several times that this would be our first home. Last night he got home from work with another message from the first person asking for documention..not telling us what they need. So he took our last paycheck stubs and the past 2 years tax forms to fax..after he calls again to see what they need. We want to make our down payment on Sunday, to make sure we get our new home before the last of them are sold(this town we want to move to is the fastest growing community in Canada right now). Earlier this year, this same bank called us up and gave me large line of credit and this morning they called the DH and gave him a line of credit for the same amount they gave me, but yet it takes forever to get a pre-approved mortgage.

Thanks for listening to me vent!!!