You can buy inexpensive pins to trade with off ebay. You can get cuties there too. I preferred my own stroller since I could recline the seat and my 2 year old took naps at will every day. I also loved having the bottom part of the stroller to dump all my stuff in. I also wore a fannie pack with credit cards, keys, chapstick etc. and brought the camera with me onto the rides. I left all the extra stuff in the stroller with no problem. If you do bring your stroller, tie a bandana or ribbon on it so you can find it more easily. They all start to look the same. We got to the parks early and often did not even take a pool break as is often recommended. Our kids did great if we let them go at their pace and take "down time" in the parks. This year we plan to take more time at the pool, but we'll see! Just be flexible and go with your family's temperament. What works well for one family is not best for another.