This is a popular book right now, and while we all don't have time to list 1001, perhaps we could all list our top 10 places we'd love to see before we die. Feel free to include places you have been, but you must let us know you have done that!

Here's my list:

1. Walt Disney World, FL: I've gone three times, and am planning a fourth next year, and even though the real world is full of fascinating things, the "Happiest Place on Earth" still tops my list.
2. African Safari: Not likely to happen. Not adventurous enough, I suppose. I'll have to settle for Animal Kingdom Lodge.
3. Australian Outback: Okay, that's kind of vague, but it won't happen for me either, so what the heck.
4. Mount Washington, NH: Was just there last summer, and have been up top as a teen, but it's my goal in life to look out from that summit again some day.
5. Deadwood, SD: I would love to see the town that inspired my favorite t.v. show, and there are a lot of great parks and natural wonders in the Black Hills. Mt. Rushmore would be cool o see.
6. Venice, Italy: It just sounds so romantic. My back-up plan would be Amsterdam.
7. Niagara Falls: Been there, want to go again, butI'm kind of disappointed to find out that man has altered it so much.
8. San Diego, CA: Okay, I mostly want to see the zoo, but I'm sure there are a lot of neat things to do there.
9. Pyramids of Egypt: I'd love to see them, but don't want the mummy's curse!
10. Washington D.C.: Our country may not be perfect, and the city might be full of polititions, but I can't help but feel that all Americans should visit D.C. as a sort of pilgrimage for democracy.