4/9 – This week Yavn has the 411 on 2 new outfits, plus Fantasyland in-game Quest, and the Tomorrowland Quest. Yavn Speaks starts right now...

Fantasyland Takes Flight

The dust has finally settled and things are getting back to normal here at VMK HQ – the first few days after an updated version of the game (what we call a 'build') goes live are always crazy. And even though we do extensive testing prior to a launch there are still some adjustments, fine-tuning and the occasional bug fix that need to be made. Alas, our moment of rest is brief as we're already busily working on what's on tap for the next build. We have lots of exciting Fantasyland events planned for the month ahead though, with the release of Alice in Wonderland dark ride pieces kicking off with the Dark Ride-A-Thon at the end of the month.

What to Wear While You Ride Picture

Are you superstitious? Does Friday the 13th freak you out? Then why not stay home and play VMK? Maybe the fact that we've got 2 new outfits (that I'm sure you'll like) will convince you! Sure, you've got Alice's hair, but how about the rest of the costume? It's going on sale and for the guys we've created a Mr. Smee outfit (a hat and shirt)! All 4 items will go on sale starting April 13th and will be sold at least through the month.

Quest Pins Dumbo Quest Pin Alice in Wonderland Quest Pin

So have watched Alice in Wonderland as I suggested? Then you should be ready for the Alice Quest! And by now you should already have your Peter Pan Quest Pin. But don't fill up your Pin collection just yet, we still have 2 more Fantasyland Game Quests, and on deck a Quest about that aeronautical pachyderm - or what you might call the flying elephant!

Quest Update

We haven't forgotten about the new Tomorrowland Quests and hope to launch it within 2 weeks. I know I've been saying soon for a while but this time I really mean it – and remember that we will be updated the in-game Tomorrowland Quests as well – get ready!

That's a Wrap!

Hope everyone is enjoying (or enjoyed) their Spring Break - now the countdown to Summer can officially begin. For us we'll be counting down until we get to the new Summer content - but I'll get into that later. Lastly, I do want to thank everyone for your kind notes and the concern for my ear. I'm happy to report I'm almost all better and will be able to travel again very soon. (My next trip will take me back to Orlando and WDW. In the meantime, I'll leave you one more peek at the VMK's new HQ.

See you in VMK,