I thought they sent a lot of mediocre talent through, and ragged on some people who didn't really deserve it, like the vocal coach who performed at Disney. This Disney-bashing has been a consistant part of American Idol over time and it just shows they don't know what they are talking about. Disney performers are very talented. Jennifer Hudson used to perform on a Disney Cruise line and look at her now. I do get some entertainment out of funny auditions but for the most part I'd much prefer to hear people who can actually sing!!! You know there are multiple rounds of auditioning? It is a disgrace that they put so many of these people through to see Simon, Randy, and Miss Drunkard oops I mean Paula, in place of some people who are probably more talented but not as interesting.

Paula needs to be fired. She was hanging over the table half the time and barely said anything. When she did speak it was pointless. She did a round of press the other morning and in 3 seperate interviews she seemed completely wasted/strung out. She claims that it was because she was hearing 3 stations in her ear at once and was getting confused and disoriented, but that doesn't cause you to move all around, tilt your head to the side, incessantly wink at people and slur your speech. That woman needs help.