I was going to say Tom Cruise, but I voted for the Dixie Chicks.

I never really liked them, and when they pulled that gutless, cowardly stunt of bashing our president in another country, well, they sank to the bottom of the cesspool for me.

Like it or not, Cruise will probably come back. He is still bankable (even though I can't stand him), as is Affleck. Mel will be fine. Britney is still famous and in the limelight, so no problems there (can't stand her either).

The Chicks, while still heard on the radio, will probably never rebound to the fame they once had. That Natalie can't keep her obnoxious mouth shut, so she'll keep the Chicks in the celler for a while. To this day I always turn the radio station when I hear a Chicks song come on. I absolutely despise them.