Well, I'm back from the Peace talks and I have some good news and bad news.....

First the Good:
For 300 pairs of new Lederhosen and a keg of Dortmunder beer, the German IASW dolls are staying neutral.
The British IASW dolls have agreed not to get involved if promised a Secret Pub, complete with dart boards, to be located at IASW main building disguised as Big Ben.
After that, the rest of the countries fell in line. They have agreed to cease hostilities against humans and to keep the sugary-sappy music to a minimum within the ride.

The Bad News:
Binky's Raiders scoffed and refused to sign the Treaty.
Some IASW members said that the Surfy-Kong weapon is missing.
The ride will still exist to torment many.
The cats have sided with Binky.
TiggTigg5's A-10 is still missing.

After the agreeing parties signed, we all sat around the campfire and ate Beanie Wienies and Bourbon. There was much rejoicing.

Who woulda thought that Binky's delegation would fuel the fire so well...

The Wacky Troll King.