Hi guys! It's been a while since I've posted anything. But, this morning, we were listening to Disney Parks background music while making breakfast, and my wife and I were reminiscing about some funny things our kids did on our early trips to WDW, when they kids were young. We have three children, and two are now out of the house. We're staring being empty-nesters in the face.

Anyway, back on one of our earlier trips, our oldest daughter Jaci (then 4, now 19) and I had stayed in Epcot later than the rest of the family. They had bailed long before the fireworks show and closing in order to not have to wait for a bus back to the resort. But Jaci wanted to see the fireworks. So, I stayed with her. When it was all over, and we started walking out, she started crying. Sobbing, really. When I asked what was wrong, she wailed, "I don't want to go! I NEVER want to leave! I want to LIVE IN EPCOT!" Then she started screaming as we left the gates, "LET'S GO BACK IN! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE! NOOOOOOOO!!!"

I mean, at the time, it was a little embarrassing, but now, we crack up about it. My wife texted her this morning and asked her if she remembered. She did, and she texted back, "I STILL want to live in Epcot. The food is incredible!"