Quote Originally Posted by kbean View Post
Hopefully this wont last long like when they brought mcDonalds into frontierland. I will not be getting coffee there.
they do have a fabulous Hot Chai Latte...but sadly I won't be getting that there either...I had heard about the McDonalds fries-glad that was gone by the time I found the magic

For me it isn't even that they are adding a Starbucks, it is that all the verbage I have read seems to indicate that they are getting rid of the bakery in favor of the Star bucks. Now if it is Main Street Bakery, proudly serving Starbucks-then Woo Hoo!! Chai Latte here I come. I just don't see how replacing the bakery is a benefit to the integrity of Main Street itself. Starbucks, for me, is the epitome of mainstream...There is a Starbucks on every corner outside those magical gates. We don't need one on every "street corner" inside the Kingdom...
I understand that product sponsorship/placement brings in money, and Disney is after all a buiness, however there has to be a line you won't cross. Messing with Main Street should be that line. Walt's vision for Main Street USA was small town Americana, now every average street corner.