So we are now two episodes into the show and I find myself liking it.

For those who havent watched it, the premise is pretty simple. The Evil Queen (from Snow White) has cast the most powerful Curse. By doing so she has taken EVERYONE from the fantasy world and they are now in the Real world. The only thing is.... They dont know who they are, except for the Queen of course. Oh and the Evil Queen is the Mayor of Storrybrooke which is where the show takes place (with flashbacks to Fantasy world or whatever they are calling it).

So far its a well done drama with good writing and pretty good acting. Surprisingly, or maybe not since it is ABC, Disney has given the show licence to play with the characters. For Example; Jimminy Cricket is now a human (of course) and is a therapist. Grumpy is a town trouble maker, but at one point he is whistling "whistle while you work".

The main Heroine of the show is Emma, Snow Whites daughter. Emma has her own son named Henry, who she gave up for adoption when he was born. He was Adopted by the Evil Queen.

As you can imagine, the twists that are probably going to happen are going to make for a great show. At least it has so far and I look for it to get even better.

Oh and they even have Maleficent as a character. I am happy about that, except that they have the Evil Queen being more powerful, and I dont think that would really work. I mean come on Maleficent can turn herself into a Dragon.

Anyway. If you havent already, check it out. you can watch episodes on