Hey All -

Hopefully you have been to my website to see the latest update. I am sorry that I have not been on here for a while. I have been super stressed out on so many fronts and have been busier than ever trying to figure out what to do.

The latest news is that while the blood work is indicating a continued growth of the cancer, the CT Scans are not showing any measurable tumors at this time. The bad part of this is that nothing can be done at this time and so I am to just sit and wait. All the meanwhile the cancer could be growing in many different areas while we can do nothing. When the tumors do present themselves, they could be spread throughout and at that time, there may not be anything they can do.

On top of that, we are really down on our luck financially. The medical bills are taking this ship down and as such, we will probably be letting our house go. This is a HUGE downer. We have had our credit card closed so everything we buy, we have to have money in the bank to cover. Needless to say, we don't have money in the bank so we are having to watch every dollar and every purchase we make.

I wish I had better news for all of you, but things are not starting off good in 2009 for us. Please continue to pray for our family and please ask that God helps us through this and keeps me in good spirits.

Thanks and God bless!!
