I posted something similar to this years ago and got not a single response ... I will try again.

Are you sometimes followed around by The Ghosts of WDW Past when you visit WDW?

I have been so many times, with so many different people over the years (the main ones being my family, of course) that I cannot hardly get down the street without being FLOODED with memories. Everywhere I look, I remember some person, some incident, some conversation, some impression that I had from years ago. Often, it is multiple memories crowding in at the same time. Almost every nook and cranny holds some great memory for me.

The "Ghosts" of the past follow me all over the property. Of course, Animal Kingdom holds the fewest (because it is the newest) but even that Park is beginning to be full of my Ghosts.

It is sweet, but can also be distracting. I find myself trying to constantly tell others - "Oh, you won't believe what happened over there in 1978" or "Remember when the girls rode this for the first time in 1989" or "The first time I rode this was in 1974 with so-and-so".

I try really hard to keep my mouth shut and not babble incessantly to those with me, but still my mind and thoughts are flooded with sensations, sounds, impressions, tastes, smells, and thoughts of the past. No other place on earth holds so many wonderful memories for me, not even my home town that I grew up in.

Are there any more of you who, when visiting WDW, you are constantly followed by all these wonderful Ghosts from the past?