Ok, I don't do a lot of these "vent" topics but I feel like doing one right now.

I would very much like to have some Sudafed for my nose today. I've got some major sinus issues going on. Normally, in times past, I would go into the medicine cabinet and take some psuedophed do dry up the problem.

But, do I have any psuedophed in the medicine cabinet, NO. Can I run into the store and quickly grab a box off the shelf, NO. WHY? Because of those I call the "STUPID PEOPLE". The small percentage of the population who would choose to use a useful remedy to make/consume meth. While the majority of us, those who are not making or consuming meth, are restricted from a perfectly useful medicine. And once again we are paying the price, forced to make the sacrifice, because of the "STUPID PEOPLE".

There, I've said it. I'm done now. I'll shut up and go back to breathing through my mouth because my nose is solidly clogged, and draining like a stuck water bed.

P.S. - and yes, I still want my lawn darts back.