Coming up on April 4th, Tomorrowland will be offically one year old. Since this is happening this week, I thought about it and the new Tomorrowland Quests have to start this week or soon anyway. They can't be updating the quests on this date on accident.

Wouldn't also be a good time to also launch all of the new stuff that they have been talking about lately also? The new rides (might be awhile on them seeing on how they still haven't said what the other ride will be), other people moving items, new name's over characters, and the new trading window.

I know I said I would be in Hong Kong and Tokyo this week but the trip was delayed a few weeks so I'm here till early April. Don't worry it's all good, I just want to make sure everything for the upcoming build was A-OK before the trip and I was able to sneak in a few more surprises!