With what, you ask? People who talk on their cell phones while driving!!!

I was driving to my DDs softball game this afternoon, and was about 25 yards behind another car. I had noticed it driving a little erratically, so I was keeping my distance.

Okay: without signaling, she whipped into a driveway. Then, she immediately reversed out into the road and tried to head back the way she came. Unfortunately, because she had a cell phone jammed in her ear ( I was near enough to see it at this point), she wasn't paying attention to anything in the road. She caused a guy coming the other way to swerve off the road to avoid her. When he swerved back, he over-corrected and hit my front bumper. No one was hurt, fortunately, but my front bumper is trashed.


(There, I've vented. Thank you for reading!!)