The user should be warned that he or she may be subjected to bizarre genetic, pysicis and medical experiments perpetrated by an evil genius bent on world domination. These experiements include, but are not limited to:

<LI> Transformation into a minature monkey
<LI> Llama gene splicing
<LI> Ingestion of certain waters from a certain river in a certain ride in a certain place inhabited by certain beings
<LI> Sea Monkey grafting
<LI> Being put on the game grid
<LI> Being strapped to an old 20K sub for testing of the Theory of Realitivity
<LI> JimmyC dusting your house with his beloved rags[/list]

Intercot has been known to warp space and time in its vicinity. Please do not operate in a vacuum.

The message board you are about to view may contain material of childlike fantasy and may not be sutiable for adults. Child supervision is suggested.

Gary(aka dpamac)
[email protected]
Vice President, INTERCOT Operations

Visit Our Intercot Family Sites. All Disney, all the time:

Webdisney: More Disney than you can shake a stick at.
Intercot West: Disneyland Inside & Out

Sign up for "2001: An Intercot Odyssey" June 9-16, 2001, the largest gathering of Intercot Fans ever at the Walt Disney World Resort yet? For more info on the trip, click here.

I was sittin' in a crummy movie with my hands on my chin