All rescue missions are on indefinite hold. The rubber band broke. But more importantly, I just realized that my WDW annual passes and my pawtographed photo of Tigger were in the glove compartment of my beloved Warthog! Now I'm MAD !!!
Now hear this, you felonious furball felines... this is WAR! Unless my plane - and all its contents - is returned immediately, I'm going to open IASW franchise locations all over Canada. There will be doll rides next to every McDonalds. The IASW song will replace "Oh, Canada" before all sports and civic events. The maple leaf will be replaced by doll faces with syrupy smiles. In short, I will make your lives *miserable* !! And, if that doesn't work I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm..... gonna.... I'm gonna TELL MOM! (Yeah, that's it!)
Time's a-wasting!! Repent now !!

<< TEN pages!! No wonder John had to do some software updates last night! >>

TTFN - Ta Ta For Now !