OK, so Paradise Pier lived up to my standards. I was not moved or proven wrong in that section of the park. I did, however, enjoy Grizzly River Run and the surrounding area, and you already know I find the Hollywood Pictures Backlot fun. Lunch wasn't too far around the corner (3:30 reservation) and I walked to Disneyland for my highly anticipated meal at the Blue Bayou. Let me tell you, this does not make the "disappointment" list of the day. [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] I had a riverside table, which brought back familiar memories of the San Angel Inn, and an absolutely great server. I did cave in and order the Monte Cristo sandwich. No one ever told me how large the portions were! I'm very embarrassed to say I could only eat one half. [img]redface.gif[/img] I could only eat half of my pasta salad as well...the taste was top-notch and the service was equally grade A. My drink cup had a leak in it and my server immediately took it away and sliced it off my bill. I hate when problems arise, are fixed, and are not paid for by the restaurant. I like to see good customer service like fixing the problem and fixing the bill. He also brought me out four different sauces for me to try (I never asked) after I told him I had never had the sandwich before and was looking forward to it. I enjoyed all of the sauces and left a pretty hefty tip.

I decided I was in Disneyland only to eat and painfully left the park. I cheered up when I walked into the Animation attraction, however! MY GOSH this attraction was amazing. I sat in the lobby for about a half an hour just watching and listening. This room has gigantic screens (some are absolutely huge and some are just big - the sizes ranged) with different artistic drawings from a certain Disney animated film. The music playing was a song from that part of the film, and the lights on the walls and floor changed according to the mood of the movie. There were some screens with video on them, but most had different stills from the movie. They lasted for about a minute and changed to another scene from a different movie. This continues on and is truly mesmerizing. I also enjoyed both movies and each walk-through attraction. Brilliant! (By the way, I took a quiz from a talking book and found I am most like Woody from Toy Story. )

It was almost time to see Eureka, the day parade, which I wanted to see. Although I normally dislike day parades and I didn't know too much about this one (it isn't talked about much), I knew it was more contemporary like Tapestry of Dreams so I felt obligated to try something new. I really enjoyed it! It thoroughly entertained me and the music was especially enjoyable. I don't know why this isn't talked about more since it was such a creative parade.

I took a peek at It's Tough to Be a Bug which has a pretty dull queue line. I missed the Tree of Life carvings while I walked through the line! The ride is 100% the same and nothing is changed. I still found it witty and comedic, though!

I went to see BLAST, which is in the Hollywood Pictures Backlot in the Hyperion Theatre. I have seen the touring production and this version did not let me down. The Hyperian Theatre in DCA is absolutely gorgeous! I was stunned to find out that it has ZERO restrooms, however. The CMs told me they had plans to add some in the future, however, so they could bring in touring productions or concerts. They didn't originally put them in so audience members had no reason to leave their seats, though. I still think that large of a professional theatre needs restrooms. Restrooms or not the show was great.

To spare your lives (THANK YOU, you say) I am just going to skip to the night-time activities. Between BLAST and the night-time activities I went back to the Animation exhibit [img]smile.gif[/img] , took another ride on California Screaming, and walked around the Redwood Challenge Course area. That's it.