Maybe I am in the minority around here but this change makes me happy. I hated and I can't emphasize hated enough to describe how much I disliked FP+. Having to sit at the computer or on your app 60 days in advance waiting for the moment your window to schedule FP+ because the popular rides would be gone in a few minutes was beyond irritating. Especially when you own businesses, are super busy and you deal with scheduling and logistics all day long every day. A vacation at WDW became basically a job.

I said from day 1 of FP+ that I would gladly pay for a system where we picked some sort of fastpasses on the day of our visit to a park. This is one of those things where they can now control how many people are utilizing the system by adjusting the price. Most other theme parks have been using this sort of pay to play system for a while and it works well. FP+ was about as aggravating and dysfunctional as it could possibly have been. The only people it worked well for was those that would show up and do their FP attractions and maybe one or two others and then leave to go do other things. Those of us who want to do most all of the attractions and enjoy the entire park were left to deal with the long lines on the attractions we didn't have fastpasses.