Quote Originally Posted by PopPhan View Post
It's not the 'government' imposing in this case, it is the business. Businesses can impose pretty much any rules and regulations for their employees. If the employees don't like it, they can leave. It reall IS that simple.

I'm not going to fight the "R's & D's" of your statement, because this is NOT the place for such discussions.
Businesses and quasi-government agencies anymore and vice-versa. Look no further than Facebook, Google and Twitter. Sure it seems like a nice idea when they ask you to round up at the register, but do you really know where that money is going? It's all part of their agenda to drive their programs. Business used to be about making money and pleasing the shareholder. However businesses, including Disney, have gotten too big that they can push their social narratives and make money all while squeezing competition and making life worse for the average citizen. Like you said, it's not about D's and R's. The government is evil and we need to take back our rights as citizens.