John, I think you summed it up pretty well. Lots of 'lurkers' but not many responding. I think that it is possible some are concerned about starting 'flame wars' if they don't agree with something stated in a post, so just bite their 'tongues,' read, and move on.

In my case, I tend to come for the information and cannot always respond due to lack of first hand knowledge. A lot of pre-trip research. Also, I have a bad habit of getting argumentative on the 'political' posts (which got me booted as a moderator, as well it should have -- Still apologizing for that mishap!)

One other thing...The addition of the 'Thanks for this post' and 'Like this post' options have lowered the actual typed responses somewhat. Those who would have written a 'Thank You' message and possibly expanded on it, have now just clicked the "Thank" and/or "Like" and not actually responded.

I still am a big fan of INTERCOT and promote it to anyone I talk Disney and Disney Parks with. I don't know if any have become followers, but I do suggest this site as the top site for Disney and Disney Parks information.

Keep up the great work and don't let a slow down, no matter the reason, stop you from sharing the love!!!