Quote Originally Posted by PirateLover View Post
Production value was great but I couldn't get past the ridiculous historical innacuracies so I had to shut it off 3/4 through the first episode. As a Social Studies educator with a Masters in history I'm all for making history more exciting, but I wish they would've done it more within the framework of what actually happened. It's not like the actual history is boring! But Sam Adams was not Captain Jack Sparrow! What drives me most bonkers is it was presented by History (although what can you expect these days from the home of Ancient Aliens marathons?) HBO finds the right blend of fact and fiction with their mini series offerings and they are useful classroom tools. I would only consider using this at the end of the year as a challenge to my students to find all the inaccuracies... Hey there's an idea 😉.
I am not a history expert but also found the inaccuracies to be a bit much. I really wanted to like it but only made it to the beginning of the 2nd episode before turning it off. The sets, costumes and actors were wonderful, too bad they couldn't have written a better script. It felt as if I was watching a movie of the week. Your comment about Adams as Sparrow got me thinking about the number of Samuel Adams beer commercials there were. Every commercial break started with one. Perhaps a little influence the sponsors? Who knows, just very disappointed.