Quote Originally Posted by Janmac View Post
Sometimes even good nappers at home are too wound up to nap at regular times at Disney World. We might be too laid back but at Disney we let them sleep when they were ready to.

We've had kids fall asleep at meal times, and had one 3 year old go three whole days without a nap. When he finally did relax, it was a long nap.

We have rented strollers or brought lightweight collapsible strollers from home. It's amazing how much easier it is for kids that age to nap in a stroller in a busy park. My niece figured nap time for her daughter meant shopping time for her.

Often kids that are overstimulated by all that's going on at a park will relax while splashing around in a pool.

Hit it right on the head. Every time we went with little ones, their nap schedule seemed to shift. Make sure you bring a good napping stroller for that reason alone.

What I also learned, you'll find yourself wanting to take it light at the parks after a day or so. So, make sure you pick a resort you can see your kids enjoying just as much as the parks. Nice pool. Nice areas to wander/explore.

As for the wooden doors, I wouldn't worry. I found every kiddo was so exhausted, they didn't care where they were put and slept like logs.

I'd recommend not picking Coronado just because of wooden doors. Pick it because you think they will like the pool, the playground, and you think your family can fit comfortably in the room. Will both kids be in pack n plays or just your 2 year old?

Besides that, it is a resort in a good location. Less travel time with a toddler (or two) having a meltdown, the better. It isn't close to MK, but close to the other parks. Not a bad choice overall!