Your right I should have said in my post that I always included parkhopping in the cost of a Disney trip. Also I should have mentioned that in 2014 Universal will have a value/moderate. So once again I will be pricing a vacation there. You are also right that Universal hotels are not the only ones to charge for parking, years ago when I took my first trip to WDW I did a comparison onsite vs offsite the little extras like parking costs got me to try staying onsite. I have also looked into renting a villa or condo offsite for a large group if I were taking 7 or 8 that would be a way to go. 3/4 bedrooms 2/3 bathrooms a full kitchen and usually a pool. However DD feels differently she has always stayed onsite and really enjoys it. So now I have decided to go with DVC which will keep everyone in my group happy and help keep costs reasonable, at least for me. I know everyone has their opinions about DVC. And I will say to OP do what makes since to you and yours. What will make you happy, and relax its a vacation