Once we were done with Mary, Mom called and we met up just down the road. She told me that my card I had left with her had nothing on it, so she paid my bill. OMG! I gave her the empty card. I had 2 rewards card, one was used, while the other still had a lot on it…and I gave her the wrong one. I went to pay her back, but she told me not to worry about it. She was going to pay for the gas to refill the van the next day before we returned it and she said that I could just do it instead.

We stopped to take a few more pictures of Claire.

We separated again. Mom and Dad were going back towards Future World. I forgot to mention, that during dinner, Dad was telling us how he refused to go much further into World Showcase. He said it was way too much walking. I also mentioned having FP’s for Soarin’ and Test Track and he thought that was the dumbest thing ever…why would you walk to a ride, get a FP and then ”wait” and do other stuff and walk ALL the way back to that ride. He was convinced only fools would do that and I was one of those fools! LOL!
He did say they might try to get on Test Track and I told him the stand by line was probably long, but if they didn’t mind being separated they could do the single rider line. Mom didn’t care, but Dad said he couldn’t ride it without Mom.

Claire and I headed off towards future World.

Is this a spider?

We stopped for some photopass.

And continued on.

We came upon another photopass photographer near the Cinderella Topiary. We stopped and waited our turn. There was a couple getting theirs done, but I really didn’t pay too much attention to them.
After they were done, we walked up and got a few pictures. I did kind of notice that the couple was still standing in the area……kind of watching. I didn’t think too hard on it, but figured either they liked Claire’s dress and were watching or they wanted some special shots and were letting us go ahead of them.

We got our card scanned and the gal of the couple came up to me and asked if I was Jen. I probably gave her the deer in the headlights look. LOL! I think I managed a yes. And she told me her name, which I didn’t recognize. But then she told me her Dis name and I knew that one. It was “dekkerdisneydreamer” (Sheresa). How she recognized us, I have no clue. It either had to be by Claire’s dress (which was in my signature on Dis for a long time) or my crazy two toned hair.

We chatted a few minutes and then left. I can’t believe I didn’t think of having a picture taken together, once again! We were even right next to a photopass photographer so we could’ve all been in it, but my mind was just not thinking straight! She and her DH were very nice and I am so glad to have met her.

I had Claire then go in front of the Cinderella topiary for a few pictures.

1st one without her. It was hard to get them because on this side you couldn’t see their faces and on the other the light post and flag were in the way.

We spotted Marie in France and quickly made our way over only to find her leaving!

We were assured Marie would return soon, so we decided to wait. We had never met her before, nor had we ever even seen her in the parks. Claire had also bought the baby Marie plush at MK a few days before, so she was even more excited to actually meet her. She was really impressed that she wore a “pink” bow.

A few shots while waiting in line.

I have to say the wait was a bit longer than I expected, but eventually Marie came back out.