I too pack most of the popular aforementioned items, I was surprised to see how many of us bring extra hangers! Which made me think of the "new" item that I packed last year that was a wonderful time saver! Downy Wrinkle Release! I'm a neurotic ironer, not so much on vacation, but you can't pack all those clothes in a suitcase & expect them to come out looking like they did when they went in! LOL With the help of the extra hangers, I have everyone pick out their clothes the night before & I spray some of the Downy WR, a few tugs here & there & they look great in the morning! I even hang some of the shorts using the skirt hanger clips or the clothes pins I bring with!

One thing that I didn't see mentioned in this thread, but I got the tip on here a few years ago, is one of those over the door shoe bags! This is HUGE for us! It has dozens of clear pockets & I sort everyone's personal toiletries, etc, the items we use everyday, & it keeps us from leaving it all out on the tiny counter or tossing back into the bag just to have to dig for it again! This is a time saver for us every morning & night!

I'm taking one new item when we go next month, a small fold up drying rack for all of those wet beach towels & bathing suits! I figure we never have enough room for those & we all get tired of taking them down for all to shower & then hang them all up again! I figure I can fold it & stow it under the sink or on the top shelf of the closet area if/when we don't need it!