Quote Originally Posted by Goofy4TheWorld View Post
I experienced this rule at Cosmic Rays in June and it was the most stressful meal I had (and my two year old provided us PLENTY of stressful meals). Plus I encountered the rudest CMs I have ever seen at WDW in 6 years.

I do not particularly mind the idea of the rule, but I was surprised that the CMs were not armed they were so rude to me, and everyone else, about the change. Because of Intercot, I knew what was going on even if I didn't like it, but I was the most steamed when a CM refused to allow me to enter through the exit side to return to my table after I made a second trip to the fixin's bar. I literally was the third table from the exit, or about the 150th table from the entrance. She physically jumped in front of me to the point I thought she was going to hit me to stop me from entering. I soo wish I had bolted and went anyway, but after I showed how short of a distance I was trying to get and she still refused, I gave up, but it definitely ruined the meal.

I think this is one of those rules that attempts to address a legitimate problem for some guests, but the only way to enforce this rule is to force CMs to act in a very un-Disney manner. Putting CMs between guests and there food around lunch time will always result in CMs having to be rude to get the point across. In my circumstance, I think they were being zealots for the letter of the law out of frustration with the masses.
I'm sorry you experienced a rude CM, but just from some of the comments on this thread, it's no wonder. And, this is the nicest, most polite discussion board I'm on. People are grumpy when they don't get their way and they can be rude. I would not want to have to be the CM that had to tell 500 people that things were different only to be chastised for it.

If everyone just accepts and follows the new rules, it'll work better for everyone and should, in the long run, be less stressful. Children that have the ability to wait in line for rides should be able to wait in line for food. If people don't want to cart all their stuff through the crowded lines, maybe we should think about hauling less stuff. If peole are tired and just want to sit down, as has been mentioned before, there are usually benches outside or at least a curb. Have a seat and relax. Then, go get some food. Again, I don't want to have to walk around letting my food get cold because someone else pushed themselves too far and is just too tired to wait in line. Of course, this is all from my perspective, because that's how I see things, but I think it'll be better for everyone.