My boys have been going to DLR regularly all their lives. Being "locals", I saw no other way.

My older son went for his first visit at 4m. My younger son...8 weeks! Older son is now 5, younger is 3 1/2. We have always gone about two times per month, on average.

Having a baby in DLR is pretty easy. The park is small. There are ample places to sit and rest, to let baby nap, that are QUIET. The baby care center on Main Street is fabulous, and easy to get to from anywhere in the park (due to the small layout of DL). Fantasyland is great, esp. the outdoor rides like the Circus Train, Storybookland boats, Dumbo, Carousel (you can sit on the stationary chair), Teacups (if you don't spin them, they go very slowly around). Other favorites for babies: Jungle Cruise, Tiki Room (this one is a MUST--just get ready to cover baby's ears during the "thunderstorm" for a few seconds), Winnie the Pooh. SMALL WORLD! You can also ride the big steamboat around the river, the Steam Trains, and then let him/her play at Goody's playground in Toontown. If there will be more than one adult, you can use "baby swap" to ride some of the bigger rides. One of you waits with the baby, the other rides, then you switch, and whoever was waiting w/ the baby gets to go on immediately, through the exit. It's great!

DLR has lots to see, great music (including live performers on Main Street) to listen to, and is, in my opinion, a MUST for babies/toddlers. I can't imagine why anyone who lives close enough and has babies doesn't take them all the time! I mean, it's FREE entertainment for the kid until he/she turns 3!!! Not much around that fits that bill. Of course, mom and dad have to pay.