I think we have figured out how we are going to "surprise" them with the news. We are leaving our house around noon and my sister about the same time. We will be about 30 minutes ahead of her. When we reach Savanna, GA, we are going to stop for dinner. We will go in first and get a table (of course with extra seats for us to spread out) and they will follow shortly after.We are just going to let the kids "run into each other" as if nothing was going on. They think we are going to see friends in SC and with their noses buried in their mp3s and videos they will know no difference. We are going to take disney dollars into the restaurant for the waitress to give them "since they behaved so well". Our hope is that the restaurant will be in on this with us and a few of the staff will come out (kind of like a birthday thing) and surprise them with the news. What do you think? Will they fall for it?